FEBRUARY 23-24, 2024
Topic: Shaping Sustainable Transportation
Students interested in public policy, environmental sustainability, sustainable transportation, environmental activism, or any related field were invited to participate in the 7th annual McGill Policy Association Case Competition (MPACC).
We had Dr. Amy Janzwood, former MPP student Teodora Durca, and Senior International Affairs Advisor of the ECCC Eddy Pérez as our judges for the competition.
February 17–18, 2023
Topic: Tackling Montréal’s Housing Crisis
Students interested in public policy, urban planning, the housing market, social activism, or any related field were invited to participate in the 6th annual McGill Policy Association Case Competition (MPACC).
We had Pierre Parent as our keynote speaker, who is Anishnawbe and has been working in Montreal since Parli 2020 as an outreach and intervention worker for the unhoused indigenous community for two different organizations.
We had several esteemed judges, such as Dr. Eric Latimer, and two MPP students, Giana Formica and Alison Clement.
MARCH 11 - 12, 2022
Topic: Ethical AI & Crime
Students interested in public policy, artificial intelligence, ethics & philosophy, the criminal legal system, or any related field, were invited to participate in the 5th annual McGill Policy Association Case Competition (MPACC).
We had Dr. Gideon Christian, postdoctoral research fellow Jimin Rhim, PhD student Shalaleh Rismani as our judges for the competition.
February 26 - 27, 2021
Topic: Housing Policy in Collaboration with IDSSA
Students Interested in public policy, international development, housing, and urban issues were invited to participate in the 4th annual McGill Policy Case Competition (MPACC) in collaboration with the International Development Studies Students’ Association (IDSSA).
February , 2020
Topic: Autonomous Vehicles and Cities
On February 15, 2020, the McGill Policy Association hosted its third annual Policy Case Competition (MPACC). This year's topic, "Autonomous Vehicles and Cities," tasked participants with representing a municipal government and creating a regulatory and incentive package to attract a ride-hailing company looking for a city in which to test and launch its AV division.
February 21 - 22, 2019
Topic: Technology in Education
February 2, 2018
Topic: Environment